Friday, April 24, 2009

A Mix of Stuff

I got to spend a couple days at the Stockholm Temple after Easter. My eye decided it was going to be red for a few days, so I had to wear my stupid glasses. I hate glasses, but I love the temple! It was fabulous. I went to 4 sessions....1 Swedish, 2 Norwegian, and 1 Russian. I must admit, though, that massive amounts of jetlag combined with temple sessions does not make for a very alert Lindsey...I fell asleep...a few least. Since the temple is far away for most people in Scandinavia, there is a temple guesthouse you stay at for a week or two at a time instead of just going to the temple for a couple hours every once in a while like we do in the states. Here you do all you can in those couple days/week/weeks and then you don't come back for a long time because of the distance.

I got back to Evenstad a few days after the temple trip and all the snow was gone. When I left 10 days before that, it was quite in tact....but now it's just mud and brown everywhere. I can't wait for it to be green again. It's getting warmer and I haven't had to wear my coat any lately and it looks like I won't have to until Fall. YES! I'm ready to wear my flip flops again.

Here's the pick from before when I was talking about capturing and marking the red deer. This picture is classic! It looks like I'm a pretty hardcore "capturer," but if you knew the whole story, you'd know that really I'm just a hardcore flashlight holder. It's a very high tech and important job to hold a flashlight, you know.

The next picture will go down as another thing that Scandinavia has and the US doesn't, and I think it should stay that way. You tell me why they wanted to call a snack food "Funkies." I found this little delight in a grocery store in Sweden under the gluten-free section....that's probably why it was called that....

One more picture...I get to say that I have spent time in The Netherlands (Holland)...even if it was only 11 hours and was spent asleep in the Amsterdam airport. That still counts, right?

I have to start writing my thesis soon. I don't feel like a grown-up who is supposed to write such did I get so old???

1 comment:

Becca said...

hey there missy!

so are you going to be going back there next fall? or staying there for the summer? me and my husband just moved to minot, north dakota - not exactly a vacation state. haha!